Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • B. Thirion acts as reviewers for Medical Image Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, NeuroImage, ISBI, IPMI, as associate editor for Frontiers in Neuroscience Methods, as program committee for the MICCAI 2012 conference and as expert for ANR, NWO.

  • B.Thirion set up the following workshop at the OHBM 2012 conference: Why believe in Multivariate Pattern Analysis ? The skeptical Neuroimager's view. G. Varoquaux was part of it. B.Thirion organized a session entitled Comprendre le cerveau par le signal et l'image at the Digiteo forum.

  • B. Thirion gave an invited presentation at the ISBI 2012, CompImage 2012, the FENS 2012 workshop on brain activity decoding, MICCAI 2012 workshop on functional connectivity and at the MLINI 2012 workshop, at the Institut de biologie du Collège de France, Paris and at the Institute of Psychiatry, London.

  • G. Varoquaux gave a tutorial on the use of Python in Machine learning at the PRNI 2012 conference.

  • G. Varoquaux was program committee of Euroscipy 2012, PyHPC 2012 and ESCO 2012.

  • G. Varoquaux acts as reviewer for NeuroImage, HBM, MedIA, TMI, Frontiers in NeuroInformatics et Frontiers in Brain Imaging methods, Review editor for Frontiers in NeuroInformatics and Frontiers in Brain Imaging methods and as expert for ANR and Agoranov.

  • Alexandre Gramfort is Program committee PRNI, Associate editor IEEE EMBC conference and Associate editor Frontiers in brain imaging methods.

  • Alexandre Gramfort acts as reviewer for Neuroimage, IEEE TMI, brain topography, HBM journal, PLOS ONE, brain connectivity, journal of clinical neurophysiology, MICCAI, physics in medicine and biology

  • Alexandre Gramfort took part to the Inria-Clinatec days at Grenoble.